I am unique, I am Hugh.


Hugh is a voice controlled artificially intelligent robot designed around Aberystwyth University’s Hugh Owen Library. Hugh’s job is simple: he will help library users to quickly find any book in the library within an instant. He is able to move though the library and can physically take the user to any book’s location. Interacting with Hugh is simple, this is done by simply speaking with him like you are talking to a person. This A.I. assistant robot is about enhancing the user experience in a non-intrusive way. He is the first step to creating a larger platform where its home will one day be in hospitals where it can guide visitors and give useful information.



In 2015, a group of mature students  at Aberystwyth University thought to leverage their time in university and lead a team of students to create new type of useful artificially intelligent robot, Hugh. Bringing Hugh to life required talent from many disciplines including, Robotics, A.I, Maths, Design, Art & Physics students making up the team today.



We believe technology should  be easy to use and functional. Hugh is about enhancing the library experience in a non-intrusive way. While many aspects  of what we are doing exists within the public domain, our aim is to bring them together to form something elegant and simple.



Studying Space Science and Robotics, senior member Ariel is a mature student with a background from Andøya Space Center who has spent years working commercially. Another senior member is William, a tech entrepreneur whose last three companies were acquired, the latest in 2015 by Google invested Secret Escapes.  Though currently students, the senior members in our team bring a wealth of commercial experience.




Interested in A.I being applied to big medical data? Fascinated by autonomous navigation in a changing environment? If you have an interest in some of the projects we are working on and would like to get involved in any way, then we would like to hear from you. If you are an exceptional machine learning researcher, computational neuroscientist, robotics engineer or post grad, then we would also be keen to hear from you.


Bringing Hugh to life requires talent from across many disciplines. To enable us to do this efficiently, we have structured the project into teams that work together to achieve a larger task.

Voice Recognition

Understanding what the user is saying and returning the right information is a critical part of Hugh’s function. This team works on the development and integration Hugh’s ability to understand voice and communicate.

UX & Design

Less programming, more design. The User Experience (UX) team is responsible for designing the visuals and the effects seen on Hugh's screen. This team works closely with the software team.

Software Engeneering

The software team is responsible for the development and improvement of the navigation algorithms that use all of Hugh’s sensors, cameras and real time data to be able to move around the library while avoiding obstacles.

Hardware Team

Choosing the right sensors, cpu/gpu, motors, floor indicators, lighting. If there is a way to make Hugh faster, lighter or quieter, this is the team that will devise plan, hack a demo together and make it happen.

Hugh Medical

This small research and development team will be working first internally and then with an external partner to modify Hugh and develop a version for the medical and use in places such as hospitals.

Human Computer Interaction

This team has no programmers or techies and focuses particularly on the interaction between people (users) and Hugh, it exists to make sure interactions are simple, easy to understand and information is displayed clearly and concisely.

We’re a committed and enthusiastic group of people who’ve come together from around the spectrum to share one common vision.

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Team Hugh, General Office,  Department of Computer Science
Aberystwyth University,  Ceredigion, SY23 3DB

+441970 622424 . wic4@aber.ac.uk  www.hugh.ai

The information provided on this website is under the responsibility of Pasi Chidziva (William Sachiti) founder of Team Hugh 

and not that of Aberystwyth University. Similarly, any opinions expressed on this website and are not to be taken as those of Aberystwyth University.

I Am Hugh - A.I. Library Assistant Robot | I Am Hugh Artificial Intelligence